
Problème de connexion de mon compte

I have opened an account back in September in BNP Paribas in France and I have not activated it since. I never loged into the account because I lost the mail. Now I have found it but the temporary log in code is invalid and I cannot log in at all to even see if there are any charges etc on the account.

What should I do?

2 réactions

Niveau d'utilisateur 4

Hi @Nikola,

This website is related to BNP Paribas Fortis (Belgium).


You can reach BNP Paribas (France) by following this link:


Have a nice day,


Niveau d'utilisateur 3

Hello @Nikola,


I thank you for your message.


In this case you need to contact BNP Paribas. We are BNP Paribas Fortis the Belgium bank not the French one, we won’t be able to go further.


Kind regards, Tamara
